Search found 23 matches

by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Background Pattern to Use with Extent()?
Replies: 0
Views: 282111

Background Pattern to Use with Extent()?

Is it possible to use some kind of Gradient or Background "hatched" pattern image instead of a color when using to fill the background when calling Extent? Here is my current code... modimage.Resize(1000, 1500); modimage.BackgroundColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#0079F2"); // blue modimage.Extent ...
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Best C# Code To Overlay Text on a .JPG Image?
Replies: 5
Views: 91557

Re: Best C# Code To Overlay Text on a .JPG Image?

What value do you think I should I use for the Font Point Size? I wrote a function GetProperFontSize(MagickImage img) below to get the suggested font size from the image width. Then I call the following to get the FontPointsize and set it for the image read settings. var tempimage = new MagickImage ...
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Best C# Code To Overlay Text on a .JPG Image?
Replies: 5
Views: 91557

Re: Best C# Code To Overlay Text on a .JPG Image?

var tempimage = new MagickImage(@"D:\\beautiful-girl-woman-young-127405_WEB.jpg"); int textWidth = tempimage.Width - 10; tempimage.Dispose(); MagickReadSettings settings = new MagickReadSettings() { FillColor = MagickColors.White, // -fill black StrokeColor = MagickColors.Black, Font = "Arial ...
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Best C# Code To Overlay Text on a .JPG Image?
Replies: 5
Views: 91557

Best C# Code To Overlay Text on a .JPG Image?

Does anyone have the best C# code to overlay text in different font's and colors on an .JPG image? I'm trying to put "motivational" messages in the middle of images in .JPG format.

Thanks, Glenn
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Trim White Space From Image?
Replies: 2
Views: 78435

Re: Trim White Space From Image?

I added this line to the code below and it worked! Is that the correct code to use?

Code: Select all

 image.ColorFuzz = new Percentage(5);
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Trim White Space From Image?
Replies: 2
Views: 78435

Trim White Space From Image?

I'm trying to remove "white space" from images using the Trim() function but doesn't seem to work. Here is my code and the sourceImgTrimmed. What is wrong? string sourceImg = @"D:\\large_1683_EK08BK_Open_WEB.jpg"; string sourceImgTrimmed = @"D:\\large_1683_EK08BK_Open_Trimmed.jpg"; using ...
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Creating a Slide Show using ?
Replies: 1
Views: 73048

Creating a Slide Show using ?

Is there a way to create a slide show from a series of images using C#, perhaps combining them into a .GIF ?
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Permission Denied When Writing Image To File Again
Replies: 0
Views: 79636

Permission Denied When Writing Image To File Again

I'm writing images to a directory on my drive and I put each image I write into Image parameter of a CheckBox control using the code below... Each checkbox is then added to a FlowLayoutPanel control. myCheckBox.Image = Image.FromFile(filetarget); Then when I select the CheckBox control that is in a ...
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Freeing Up Memory?
Replies: 0
Views: 77872

Freeing Up Memory?

I have a method that creates several new MagickImage objects and this method gets run many times through the execution of my application. I see the memory increasing rapidly and the application goes into Non-Responding state because it is using a lot of memory. After the method is called I call GC ...
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: 3D Effects ?
Replies: 0
Views: 77359

3D Effects ?

I'm trying to convert some of the 3-D logos on to C# and don't have a clue how to write the code. Either one of 2 sets of code... convert logo.png -alpha extract -blur 0x6 -shade 110x30 -normalize \ logo.png -compose Overlay -composite \ logo.png ...
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: C# Code for Frame, adding a 3D-like border ?
Replies: 1
Views: 10920

Re: C# Code for Frame, adding a 3D-like border ?


Never Mind. It was easy to figure out using the C# API
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: C# Code for Frame, adding a 3D-like border ?
Replies: 1
Views: 10920

C# Code for Frame, adding a 3D-like border ?

Does anyone have the C# equivalent code for creating 3D Like Borders as shown at using the frame operator? These specific command line options work but have no clue as to converting them to Magick.NET C# code: D:\>magick imagetotest.jpg -frame 10x10 ...
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: What Transformation For .JPG Format ?
Replies: 1
Views: 9539

What Transformation For .JPG Format ?

I can only use .JPG image format for my images.

What transformation are possible to use for that format at ?

by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Why Is File size SO Much Larger ?
Replies: 3
Views: 21506

Re: Why Is File size SO Much Larger ?

The reason I am writing the file to .PNG is because this function includes code to round the corners of the image. If I write it to .JPG format the rounded corners to show. The whole image is just square but the file size is OK at 198K - Please advise on how I can have rounded corners but use .JPG ...
by GlennIM
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Why Is File size SO Much Larger ?
Replies: 3
Views: 21506

Why Is File size SO Much Larger ?

When I use var image = new MagickImage(MagickColors.Red, 1000, 1000); the final output file size is 64K but when I use a real image .JPG file of 147K the resulting file is the size of 1.55 MB even after I compress it. Why is the resulting .PNG file so much larger than the original using the code ...